Boys State

Boys State are summer leadership and citizenship programs sponsored by The American Legion for high school juniors, respectively. Boys are usually nominated by their high school during their junior year. Boys State programs both began in 1937 and are held in each of the U.S. states excluding Hawaii, usually at a college within that state.

The Annie Bach Americanism Video Essay Scholarship

The Annie Bach Americanism Scholarship is a $1,000 video essay contest sponsored by Post 13. It is built around the principles of the American Legion’s Americanism program and is designed to assist women veterans with their college expenses.

Veterans Assistance Program

One way in which the Post 13 Legionnaires seek to serve our fellow veterans is through the recently established Veterans Assistance Program. The VAP was recently established to help meet the needs of veterans through the provision of gift cards and other resources as they become available.

High School Oratorical Contest

One of the many Americanism programs sponsored by the American Legion is the Oratorical Contest. Each year, hundreds of high school students across the nation participate each year in the local, state, and national oratory contest.

Boy scout Troop #1005

According to the 2018 Legion website on scouting, Legion posts sponsor more than 2,500 Scouting units across the country. Post No. 13 in particular, currently hosts Boy Scout Troop #1005.

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